Saturday, January 16, 2010


So I am horridly ill with strep throat and haven't been doing much of anything. Unless laying around in my pjs all day counts as doing something! I thought I would share a bit of what we did last weekend.
We went for a lovely walk on the old rail bed above our house...

...did a little mountain climbing,

and made some Monkey Bread when we got home. It was a big hit.

I found a link on Amy Karol's blog, Angry Chicken, and followed her modifications. The recipe is easy enough to make and something that my three year old found very enjoyable to help with. I mean, who doesn't enjoy getting all gucky and sticky? The bread was amazing! Kind of like a little cinnamon roll with way less butter! We ate entirely too much of it! I will definitely be making it again. I think the next time I will only make half the icing. I am all for icing but there was just waaaay too much!
What are some of your favourite things to bake on a cold winter day?

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