Monday, February 18, 2013

Sewn - Tunic

In the fall I was gifted some amazing fabrics.  Like designer fabrics.  Wools, alpaca and camel.  Yum.  I have them all paired up with patterns - coat and jacket for me, a dress shirt for the Mister, a shirt for Lil'G and a tunic for her as well.
The tunic is made from a pattern by Figgy's from Portland, OR. and was a delight to work with.  Holy stylish details!  The fabric was another story entirely.  It all began with laying out the pattern, as it usually does.  The fabric is a tweed from Chanel (!!!) and is absolutely stunning.  The colour leaves something to be desired....

Now, this fabric has a very definite plaid pattern.  I tried laying this out in a single layer hoping that I would have nice straight vertical lines that matched up.  Nope.  I tried again with it doubled up.  Nope.  This fabric had a mind of its own, shimmying and slithering all over the place.  You wouldn't think a wool could do that but yes, it can.  I finally got the pieces cut out and went to begin sewing.  Not only does this fabric wiggle all over the place, the pieces were completely stretching out of shape.  Argh!  I almost decided to say forget it and find some new fabric.  Almost. 

The tunic is unlined.  The fabric is a nightmare woven loosely and really needs a lining.  I ended up interlining it with a pink cotton I had and saved this tunic from the garbage.   The pattern says a wool can be used but I found that with the interlining the seams became very bulky.  I ended up serging the allowances wherever I could.  For the hems I was to turn under 1/4" then turn under 1" and stitch.  Too bulky so I just serged the edge, turned under the inch and stitched the hem.  It isn't the nicest finish but I did what I had to.


I am especially fond of the side panels that I cut on the bias....


The plaid does not match up at the back seam and is nowhere near straight but Lil'G loves it.  In the end that is all that matters to me.  She is especially smitten with the pockets.


I ended up making the size 4/5 for the width and using the 6/7 for the length since Lil'G is so tall and skinny. 
It is a dress on her right now but the way she has been growing it will be a tunic in no time. 


Thursday, February 14, 2013


Lil' G has the stomach flu, hence the blargh.  She was complaining about a weird stomach this morning but she will often do this to avoid eating her breakfast.  So I sent her to school.  In all fairness, she didn't want to miss school because they had all sorts of fun Valentine's Day activities planned.  Well, about 10am I got a call from the school.  Blarf.  And more more blarf.  Poor kid is crushed to be missing all the fun.  I gently explained to her that it really is just another day and there will be other fun days at school.  Still crushed. 
At least she got her pouch full of Valentine's to bring home.  
She is quietly reading in bed, sipping on tea.  Hopefully napping.
I was going to make a fancy  schmancy dinner tonight because it is also our anniversary.  I always make us a nice dinner and this is how we celebrate us.*  This was also upsetting to Lil'G.  I assured her I would still make us a fancy dinner.  It would just be when she was feeling better. 
Poor kid.
Do I dare write more on food and cooking now?
I have to since I am so excited about this new cookbook I got about a month ago.  The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook by Deb Perelman.  It is fantastic!  I have been cooking from it a lot - the short ribs are amazing!  Truthfully, everything I have made from this book has been amazing.  I wanted to make something for my sister-in-law because she is awesome.  Also she was giving me a free haircut yesterday and I like to bring her something that she wouldn't normally get/make for herself (she doesn't bake).  Aaaaaand she loves chocolate so the brownie roll out cookies were a must. 

 The hearts were just too perfect. 

They are scrumptious.  Chocolatey without being too sweet, crispy and still moist in the center.  Perfect for dunking.  Yum!
I hope you all get to do something you love today!

* Our anniversary isn't actually on Valentine's day.  We don't really know when it is since we aren't legally married.  We just know that we started dating around this time in February.  One year we decided to pick a day to be our Anniversary.  We grabbed a calendar, closed our eyes and randomly pointed to a spot on said calendar.  My finger was pointing to the 14th.  So be it. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I have been finding time to sew where ever I can.  I find that if I can get a half hour here and a half hour there projects will get finished.  Yay!  Admittedly they have been small and straight-forward projects.  Mostly pjs.  For kids.  Just before Christmas I managed to get not one but two pairs made for my cousin's little guys.  I used this pattern and some really awesome flannel and came up with these:

They were a huge hit!

My daughter gets a pair of mommy made pjs to open on Christmas eve and this year was no different.  She used to be into pink and purple and sparkly and floofy but this year she declared that she no longer liked those things.  Well, except for the sparkly.  So I searched for the perfect fabric for her pjs and when I found this cream flannel with owls, deer and squirrels I knew she would love it.
I used the same pattern as I did for my cousin's boys but made the girly variation.



Her pajamas came out quite large.  She is pretty teeny but holy huge.  I usually have her around to measure but she was visiting her grandparents and there were only 2 days left until Christmas so I just followed the pattern cause you know, it seemed in the ball park....  Oh well, at least they will still fit her next winter.  And maybe even the winter after that.

I also made a pair of awesome kimono pajamas for an awesome two year old girl:

 I am completely in love with the cuteness...


This is hands down my favourite pattern for kids.  So well written and you come up with a really beautiful garment.

Now I am working on a cute jumper/tunic for Lil'G.  So far, it is driving me a bit mad.  More on that soon.

Life has been crazy and exhausting but I am so happy when I can find that little bit of time to create something lovely.  Especially something so warm and cozy for the little one's in my life. 